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Atlas App Services

Get Started with Template Apps and Tutorials

On this page

  • Template Apps
  • Tutorials

The resources on this page are designed to help you begin using Atlas App Services. To explore a working codebase that showcases App Services' features, check out a Template App. For a more guided experience in learning how to develop with App Services and Atlas Device SDK, start with a Tutorial.

Bootstrap App Services with a Template App. Template apps bring together many of the building blocks available in Atlas App Services and start you off with a prebuilt app that you can customize. The following template apps are available:

  • Todo list mobile apps written with Atlas Device SDK that sync data with App Services using Device Sync

  • An Event-driven Database Trigger template that updates a view in a separate collection.

To learn more:

Sign-up to Deploy a Template App

Tutorials provide a detailed step-by-step guide to developing apps that use App Services features.

React Native SDK

React Native Template App with JavaScript

Develop a cross-platform to-do list app that syncs data using the React Native SDK and Device Sync.

Swift SDK

iOS Template App with SwiftUI

Develop an iOS to-do list app that syncs data using the Swift SDK and Device Sync.

Kotlin SDK

Android Template App with Kotlin

Develop an Android to-do list app that syncs data using the Kotlin SDK and Device Sync.

Dot Net SDK

MAUI Template App with C#

Develop a cross-platform to-do list app that syncs data using the .NET SDK and Device Sync.

Flutter SDK

Flutter Template App with Dart

Develop a multi-platform to-do list app that syncs data using the Flutter SDK and Device Sync.


C++ Template App with FTXUI

Develop a terminal GUI to-do list app that syncs data using the C++ SDK and Device Sync.

Tracker Dashboard Icon

Github Issue Tracker

Build a serverless app to track GitHub activity.




.NET MAUI - Device Sync